Legal protection and insurance contract - ESI Legal protection and insurance contract

LEGAL PROTECTION CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONALS contracted with MMA for ski instructors affiliated to the SIMS (Syndicat International des Moniteurs de Ski)

The guarantee is included for professional activities and covers legal disputes that might arise while working.  

We will assist you settling an issue out of court as well as we will defend you before the court in the framework of your working activities and for any covered dispute, within the limit of €25,000 per dispute. 

We intervene for your benefit in the following fields: 

  • Profesionnal activities: contractual relations with suppliers, clients, service providers. Real estate ownership or use, relations with administrations...
  • Social protection: relations with social welfare agencies, criminal offenses in the social field...
  • Employment tribunal protection
  • Crisis communication assistance: you benefit from advise from experts simply by calling us and coverage of expenses during each stage: 
    • Legal information 
    • Defence or amicable settlement
    • Defence or legal settlement
    • Enforcement of a legal decision. 

What is not covered: 

  • Convictions, 
  • Fines,
  • Damages, 
  • Expenses incurred on your own initiative without the insurance's consent,
  • Drafting of legal documents and preventive or proof valuations. 

This abstract provides a summary of the contract “Protection Juridique DAS N° 9105027”. It is exclusively of informative value and only the General Terms and Conditions make up the contractual basis of the coverage. These conditions can be provided for if requested.